• Organization

    Butterfly organization

    The Butterfly Protocol is intended to be a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that focuses on bringing the most robust naming environment to the decentralized internet.

    Butterfly was built to allow anyone in the world who has an internet connection to access and create content and applications without fear of censorship. Its leaders guide more than they dictate the future of what Butterfly can be. With a combination of proprietary and open-source tools and platforms, Butterfly allows anyone to participate by sponsoring top-level domains, creating dapps and more.

    The Butterfly Protocol is intended to be a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that focuses on bringing the most robust naming environment to the decentralized internet.

    Butterfly was built to allow anyone in the world who has an internet connection to access and create content and applications without fear of censorship. Its leaders guide more than they dictate the future of what Butterfly can be. With a combination of proprietary and open-source tools and platforms, Butterfly allows anyone to participate by sponsoring top-level domains, creating dapps and more.